Telesio - Galilei Academy News


The TGA is proud to announce that Bruno Denantes, the French;

businessman, philosopher, scientist and polymath has accepted

to be Chairman of TGA. He will be presenting the TGA awards in

2023, in Israel. 



The TGA is proud to announce that the celebrated; philosopher,

science fiction writer, theologian and scientist, Anthony Fucilla

has accepted to be Vice President of the TGA. He will be

presenting the TGA awards in 2023 in Israel. 



Ecology of Fringe Science and its Bearing on Policy





TGA's dream to award dedicated and worth men of science to stimulate

scientific development, is now being imitated all over the world since

2012. Even google has joined the crusade.





TGA Award Winner 2015.






"Oscillating Universe like exact solution of the R2 Theory of

Gravity", accepted for publication in New Advances

in Physics.




New book by Jeremy Dunning-Davies and colleague, entitled:

"Neo-Newtonian Mechanics With Extension To Relativistic

Velocities: Part 1: Non-Radiative Effects" 1





Over the years, people have continued to work on this problem of the applicability, or otherwise, of Newton's laws of motion to gyroscopic motion. Here a short selection of articles intended to further this examination is presented. In one article, entitled "Mass Varies in High Rotation Even at Non-Relativistic Velocities", it is shown, within the realm of Newtonian mechanics, that the mass of a gyroscope consisting of a thin cylindrical rotor and weightless shaft having a fixed pivot point and steadily precessing in a horizontal plane will appear to change if the rotor is spinning. This is followed by a considerably longer article, entitled "Neo-Newtonian Theory", in which an attempt is made to generalize classical Newtonian mechanics to take account of recent gyroscopic studies undertaken by first Alexander Charles Jones closely followed by Eric Laithwaite and later by Harvey Fiala amongst others. In another contribution, entitled "Some Results in Classical Mechanics for the Case of a Variable Mass", several well-known results in classical mechanics are extended to the case involving a variable mass. In most, if not all, introductions to classical mechanics, the mass is assumed to be constant. Usually this is mentioned and often attention is drawn to such systems as rocket motion to indicate that, in practice, the mass is not always a constant. However, other examples of varying masses do occur in nature as is evidenced by material contained in earlier contributions to this short publication. In this particular article, an attempt is made to draw together some common results of classical mechanics with a variable mass taken into account. Particular attention is drawn to a perceived change in the expression for the kinetic energy and to crucial changes in the basic form of Lagrange's equations of motion.

Monday 26th August 2013

Comment on "Self-interacting Elko dark matter with an axis of locality".



Sunday 13th January 2013


New Book By Fellows Of The Telesio-Galilei Academy

 The 21st Century Renaissance


        21st century renaissance


Sunday 4th November 2012


TGA Call For Papers (Coherence 2012)




Sunday 16th September 2012


Announcement To All Members




Thursday 14th September 2012




New Member. The Great Cosmologist and Physicist Professor Narlikar.


Narlikar is the proponent of the steady state cosmology. He developed with Sir Fred Hoyle the

conformal gravity theory, commonly known as "Hoyle-Narlikar Theory". It synthesises Albert Einsteins

Theory of Relativity and Mach's Principle. It proposes that the inertial mass of a particle is a function of

the masses of all particles, multiplied by a coupling constant, which is a function of cosmic epoch, and

countless other Scientific Works.




Sunday 2nd September 2012


Member. Walter Carnielli.



Thursday 5th July 2012


Oscillating Universe




Thursday 14th June 2012


Valenzi on Piezoelectric




Thursday 14th June 2012


Christian Corda on Black Holes




Saturday 9th June 2012


Gravity Research Foundation 2012 Awards for Essays on Gravitation. Honourable Mention for Christian Corda.

The award winning institutions, the IFM, TGA and Inter-University Centre of Life

and Environment Engineering, LIUM University.

Prof. Christian Corda, IFM Chairman and Board Director of Telesio-Galilei Academy of Science

has won an Honourable Mention Prize at the Gravity Research Foundation, 2012 Awards for Essays on Gravitation.

The Prize has been given for his research paper which is titled "Effective Temperature, Hawking Radiation

and Quasi-normal Modes".  It is well known that such a competition is; The Annual World's most important

competition in the research fields concerning gravitation and cosmology.


It is the second time that Prof. Corda has won an Honourable Mention Prize at the Gravity Research

Foundation, Essay Contest. The first time was in 2009 when Prof. Corda was awarded for the paper

"Interferometric Detection of Gravitational Waves: The Definitive Test for General Relativity".


Wednesday 16th May 2012


New Developments In Biophysics Applied To Medicine.



Sunday 6th May 2012


Telesio-Galilei Academy of Science is pleased to announce

the launch of the TGA-IFM Physics Journal.




Monday 30th April 2012


Convegno Coherence Rome 27th April 2012




Thursday 26th April 2012


Prato Italy: IFM Conference 18th May 2012. Update.

"The Speed of Light. New Frontiers of Physics".




Tuesday 24th April 2012


Important Announcement to all Fellow Members and Honorary Members.



Sunday 22nd April 2012


Lawyers  Letter to  Web  Forums &  Blogs.  Removal  of  Misleading and  False Information

Regarding  TGA,  Board  Members and  Individual Persons.  Lawyers  have been instructed

to address the attacks emanating from Baltimore, Maryland, USA. A State with very loose

public and  personal  laws and  legislation  regarding the dissemination of misleading, false

and  slanderous information. A  Maryland State  Lawyer will  be  instructed  in  due course

to pursue the case within the State of Maryland legal jurisdiction.



Thursday 19th April 2012


Prof Pierre Angles

Link-1 :  Link-2


Thursday 19th April 2012


Prof Francesco Fucilla

Link-1Link-2  :  Link-3


Sunday 15th 2012


Disclaimer 2012. President Jeremy Dunning-Davies




Sunday 15th April 2012


A Strange Story. Prof Waldyr A. Rodrigues Jr.


Link-1  Link-2


Sunday 15th April 2012


Medal of Honour of Paul Sabatier University for Prof Waldyr A. Rodrigues Jr.


Link-1  Link-2  Link-3

Thursday 12th April 2012


Telesio Galilei Academy of Science. Awards Toulouse March 2012. Memorabilia 1 of 15.


Saturday 31st March 2012


  Francesco Fucilla and Waldyr Alves Rodrigues Jr. Received the Paul Sabatier University Gold Medal.


10.15 am Tuesday 20th March 2012


Prato, Italy; IFM Conference 18th May 2012.

"The Speed of Light: New Frontiers of Physics"

Wednesday 29th February 2012


Telesio-Galilei Academy Laureate; Dr Michael Duffy, Honoris Causa Award.


Monday 27th February 2012


Philosopher Luc Ferry. Will be delivering a plenary lecture at the Telesio Galilei Academy of Science

Awards 2012 in Toulouse University.


Wednesday 15th February 2012


Telesio Galilei Academy of Science; Waldyr A. Rodrigues Jr.

Has been Awarded the Gold Medal from Toulouse University for 2012.


Tuesday 14th February 2012


Telesio Galilei Academy of Science; Francesco Fucilla.

Has been Awarded the Gold Medal from Toulouse University for 2012.

Link-1   Link-2   Link-3

Tuesday 14th February 2012


Symposium Announcement: The Physics of Reality: Space, Time, Matter, Cosmos.

Link-1    Preliminary Website

First Joint Meeting: PIRT XIV - VIGIER VIII.


PIRT - Physical Interpretations of Relativity Theory and A Symposium Honoring

Mathematical Physicist Jean-Pierre Vigier.


Wed August 15th - SAT August 18th, 2012 London, UK
Chairmen Prof. Richard L. Amoroso & Prof. Peter Rowlands.


Wednesday 1st February 2012


Review of the Book: N. A. Vasil'ev and His Imaginary Logic:


Wednesday 25th January 2012


Telesio-Galilei Academy of Science, Awards Toulouse 20th March 2012.

In collaboration with Centre C.A.I.R.O.S. Toulouse University. Manifesto-2: Link-1

Saturday 7th January 2012


Telesio Galilei Academy of Science, 2012 Laureate; Artibano Micali.

It is with great sadness that we have to inform all our members

of the sudden death of our esteemed colleague, Artibano Micali.


Link-1 Tribute to Artibano Micali

Wednesday 28th December 2011


Bernardino Telesio. "De Rerum Natura". 

The Three Volume Work by Vincenzo Spampanato Has Now Been Released In English.

Link-1    Link-2

Thursday 22nd December 2011


Telesio Galilei Academy Laureate Florentin Smarandache.

Is to receive the prestigious, "Traian Vuia", Romanian Academy Award.

For his research in, "Neutrosophic Logic and Information Fusion used in Technical Applications".


The award ceremony will take place in the General Assembly of Romanian Academicians, Auditorium.

Bucharest on 15th December 2011 at 12-00 noon.


Saturday 10th December 2011


Telesio Galilei Academy Laureates for 2012.

Invitation Manifesto


Friday 9th December 2011


Telesio Galilei Academy Laureate Florentin Smarandache is the recipient of the 2011 New Mexico

Book Award for Science and Math.


Monday 5th December 2011


Florentin Smarandache. Electronic Conference and Call for Papers on Neutrosophic Physics.

As a new research field.


Tuesday 1st November 2011


Wallace Thornhill. Gravitational Waves: A Challenging New Window To The Universe.


Friday 30th September 2011


"Smarandache Hypothesis" That there is no speed barrier confirmed by CERN.


Thursday 22nd September 2011


Brazilian Mathematical Society, (Sociedade Brasiliera de Matematica).

Djairo G. de Figueiredo. Telesio-Galilei Gold Medal Award.




Tuesday 23rd August 2011


George Spencer-Brown and Francesco Fucilla

george spencer-brown and francesco fucilla 

Tuesday 16th August 2011  



George Spencer-Brown And Cybernetics



Friday 29th July 2011


Geometry And The Nature Of Gravitation

By Waldyr A. Rodrigues Jr

Link-1 (Abstract)


Link-2 (Presentation)


Wednesday 27th July 2011



Plato, Carbon and the Human Survival Chemistry of the New Renaissance

Professor Robert Pope's Page - - The International ...

I successfully renamed the Fullerene Medical Science of the three 1996 Nobel Laureartes in Chemistry as Platonic Fullerene Chemistry (see entering that term ... - Cached


Book Review:

Foundations of Neo-Spearsian Gravitational Theory with

Application to Earthquake Early Warning Systems

by Dr. Dennis P. Allen Jr.




Friday 10th June 2011


Telesio-Galilei Academy of Science


PhD students are invited to collaborate with TGAS in research programs.  

The TGAS offers Doctoral Memberships to PhD Students.


Tuesday 31st May 2011

Telesio-Galilei Academy of Science and Lium University:
Tuesday 3rd May 2011

Telesio-Galilei Academy of Science: Awards 2011, Invitation Manifesto.
Monday 2nd May 2011
Retarded Gravitation Theory: the Gravitational Velocity Effect in Galactic Rotation Curves, and the Flyby Anomaly. C.K. Raju
Sunday 10th April 2011

The Schwarzschild Original Solution and the Droste and Hilbert Solutions of
Einstein Equations and Black-Holes.  Waldyr A. Rodrigues Jr



Saturday 2nd April 2011



Construction of the Social Cradle for Florentine New Measurement of Humanity by Robert Pope.
Thursday 31st March 2011

A clarification on the debate on "the original Schwarzschild solution".
by C. Corda
Associated Institutes
Dr. Christian Corda, PhD
President, International Institute for Theoretical Physics and Mathematics
Einstein-Galilei, Via Santa Gonda, 14 - 59100 PRATO, Italy -

Honorary Full Professor of Theoretical Physics at the Institute for
Basic Research, P. O. Box 1577, Palm Harbor, FL 34682, USA
Chairman of the  "Third Big Challenge Symposium - Dark Universe,
Gravitation and Cosmology" -

Editor in Chief of "The Open Astronomy Journal", ISSN 1874-3811-

Editor in Chief  of "The Hadronic Journal" -

Editor of the "Central European Journal of Physics" -
Editor of "The International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical
Sciences" -

Dr. Corda's web-page within the site of the International Society of
General Relativity and Gravitation: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it /
Tuesday 29th March 2011 

Telesio Galilei Chairman, Waldyr A. Rodrigues Jr. Appointment as Editor in Chief
of the Birkhäuser-Springer Journal; Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras.
Waldyr has also been appointed a full member of the
Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.
Tuesday 25th January 2011

Telesio Galilei Laureate, Franco Selleri. Introduction to His New Book, Weak Relativity.
Friday 30th December 2010

Telesio Galilei Laureate, Franco Selleri. Historical Letters from Karl Popper and John Archibald Wheeler.
Letter-1 Karl Popper
Letter-2 John Archibald Wheeler
Friday 30th November 2010

Telesio Galilei Laureate, Florentin Smarandache.
More News on Nobel Prize Nomination & Telesio Galilei Academy of Science.
Thursday 16th December 2010

Telesio Galilei Laureate, Florentin Smarandache. 2011 Nobel Prize Nomination for Literature.
Tuesday 7th December 2010

The New Book by The Chairman of The Telesio Galilei Academy of Science.
Waldyr A. Rodrigues Jr.  " Gravitation as a Plastic Distortion of the Lorentz Vacuum"

Is now out for the world to see. This book presents a new formulation of the theory of gravity. In the new approach the gravitational field has the same ontology as the electromagnetic strong and weak fields. In other words it is a physical field living in Minkowski space-time. New mathematical concepts have been introduced and carefully explained by this great living leading mathematician. The said are used to describe the deformation of geometries the key to describing the gravitational field as a plastic deformation of the Lorentz Vacuum. It emerges after further analysis that the theory provides trustworthy energy-momentum and angular momentum conservation laws. A feature that is normally lacking in General Relativity. It has taken Rodrigues almost ten years to develop the mathematics to express the said theory where the gravitational field is represented by a mathematical object h, that is a kind of “square root” of the metric field g which represents the gravitational field in General Relativity. Rodrigues has shown that, the geometry representation of the gravitational field as in GR is not necessary. This demystifies the notions of “curvature of space-time” and “torsion of space-time”.


Francesco Fucilla for The Telesio Galilei Academy of Science

Monday 25th October 2010



Waldyr A. Rodrigues Jr. New formulation of the Theory of Gravity.

Rodrigues new approach to the gravitational field has the same ontology
as the electromagnetic strong and weak fields.


Monday 25th October 2010



Luca Cavalli Sforza to receive the Award for Biology in 2011



Thursday, 16th September 2010




Poem to Telesio Bernardino by Terence Clifford Amos

Bernardino Telesio


Cosenza’s pride sent forth,

To Rome and Padua, in philosopher’s thought.

A beacon of light for Accademia Cossentia,

To combat Aristotelianism without pretension.


Though Copernicus held soul’s sway,

His heliocentricism keeping all at bay,

Abstract reason dismissed its own self course,

Where natural force in elements found new cause.


Now to celebrate conscious sensory perception,

To divine the property of knowledge as sensation.

Where in observation we find true path,

Of science across its vast polymath.


And so today we herald our first true modern,

whose learned tracts are never forgotten.

Of noble birth magnifico,

We salute great Bernardino Telesio.


Monday, 30 August 2010 


Nicola Cabibbo the 2011 TG award winner passed away


Sunday, 29 August 2010


Connection between unmatter and unparticle


Saturday, 28 August 2010



Download 1, Download 2

Friday, 27 August 2010


Franco Selleri's awards


Saturday, 21 August 2010


TGAS remembering Telesio Bernardino

Download 1, Download 2

Friday, 20 August 2010


Surmounting the cartesian

Download 1, Download 2

Thursday, 19 August 2010


Telesio Galilei Academy of Science and Mediarev will be making a film on the laws of forms developed

by George Spencer Brown

Sunday, 15 August 2010


George Spencer Brown the great United Kingdom Mathematical genius (the last of all great mathematicians and polymath) will receive the Telesio Galilei Academy award at the University of Cairo in June 2011.


Sunday, 15 August 2010


Robert Pope "CP SNOW and the Nasa High Energy Project"


Monday, 09 August 2010


Louis De Broglie historical letters to Franco Selleri


Friday, 02 July 2010


Pair and impair, even and odd form fields and electromagnetism by W. A. Rodrigues Jr. and R. da Rocha


Wednesday, 05 May 2010


Rigorous formulation of duality in gravitational theories by Waldyr A. Rodrigues Jr.


Monday, 03 May 2010


Coherence 2010 Srivastava


Monday, 03 May 2010


Official announcement by Pecs University of the Telesio Galilei Academy Awards at Pecs University 2010


Friday, 23 April 2010


Coherence 2010 Telesio Galilei participation

Download, Link

Wednesday, 14 April 2010


Telesio Galilei Fellow Richard Amoroso's new book


Wednesday, 10 February 2010


WAR vs AIAS by Waldyr A. Rodrigues Jr.


Saturday, 26 December 2009


CQED Coherence 2010




Climategate by Jeremy Dunning Davies




Telesio Galilei Academy of Science celebrates Bernardino Telesio




Collective Nuclear Reactions in Condensed Matter seminar

Document, Link



Amoroso papers on Alzheimer's disease

Download 1, Download 2



Telesio Galilei Academy of Science celebrates new chairman




Torsion Fields, the Extended Photon, Quantum Jumps




7th Symposium in Honour of Jean-Pierre Vigier




Telesio Galilei Academy of Science Journal




Gravitation as a Plastic Distortion of the Lorentz Vacuum




Telesio Galilei participation to the LiUM Bellinzona International Congress




Tweed Shire Council science art forum








VIII Conference Cosmos and Biosphere




Simon Shnoll's letter




The Adler report ...........The Adler affair




End of Science?




Horst Eckardt on Yalta Telesio Galilei Academy Awards 2009




Telesio Galilei scientific collaboration with The Biophysical Society of Ukraine








The Physics of Giuliano Preaparata




Special Announcement

5 additional scientists were to receive the 2009 Telesio Galilei Awards.
However, only 9 awards were agreed for 2009
hence the other 5 recepients will receive their awards in 2010
among other 4 recipients at present under considerations;
The names of the 5 other selected scientists are:

  • Prof Franco Selleri
  • Prof Aboubakr Bayoumi
  • Prof Roberto Mignani
  • Prof Diego Rapoport
  • Prof Richard Amoroso



Telesio galilei scientists participation

to the Rome conference on Cold Fusion on the 21.4.2009



Cold fusion conference of Rome in internet

Fusione Fredda (clicca qui, lunedi 20 aprile, ore 9) Monday, 20th April 2009 at 8am uk time

Link, Program


Telesio - Galilei 2009 award cermony in Yalta - Invitation letter




Astronomical Theory of ICE AGES




Smolin and Time




Francesco Fucilla physics satire aug 1997




Waldyr Rodrigues Jr on Francesco Fucilla physics satire




Closed Timelike Curves and Time Travel: Dispelling the Myth




Bernardino Telesio

Link 1, Link 2, Link 3



Telesio - Galilei Prize




The Science and Art of Robert Pope




Apparent Absence of Dark Matter Due to Deviations from the Speed of Light




Einstein's Proven Right E=mc2




A.C. Cefalas Ferro and Superpara - Magnetism Iron Nanoparticles




Swansea Life "Article on the 2008 TGA Ceremony"




Dialogues About Quantum Physics "A New Approach"




Santilli’s Isoprime Theory


Monday, 29 September 2008


Lawrence P. Horwitz. Scientific Contributions


Monday, 22 September 2008


Abrupt Climate Change, Achim Brauer Et Al


Friday, 19 September 2008


A Humanist Vision, Raul Perez-Enriquez


Tuesday, 16 September 2008


Life on Mars


Wednesday, 20 August 2008


The Origin of Life, Evolution, Metamorphosis


Friday, 1 August 2008


Point-Mass Singularities in General Relativity


Saturday, 31 May 2008


The Overrated "Masters" of the Universe


Friday, 4 April 2008


Telesio - Galilei Web Statistics March 2008


Wednesday, 2 April 2008


Telesio - Galilei Web Statistics February 2008


Sunday, 2 March 2008


Chemical Polarity of Light by Takarada


Wednesday, 27 February 2008


The Rutherford Santilli Neutron


Monday, 25 February 2008


Telesio - Galilei Web Statistics January 2008


Friday, 1 February 2008


New Structure models of hadrons


Friday, 25 January 2008


Experiment Yields Neutrons From Gaseous Hydrogen


Friday, 25 January 2008


Surfer dude stuns physicists with theory of everything


Friday, 25 January 2008


Foundations of Hadronic Chemistry


Friday, 25 January 2008


HyCoal: The new clean burning coal with hydrogen additive


Wednesday, 2 January 2008


Telesio - Galilei Web Statistics December 2007


Wednesday, 2 January 2008


Rising Tide Australia Article


Friday, 28 December 2007


New Member: Prof. Smulsky and his words


Wednesday, 19 December 2007


The Universe of Rhawn Joseph


Tuesday, 18 December 2007


In response to "dererummundi" blog article


Tuesday, 11 December 2007


ANNOUNCEMENT: Santilli - Galilei Prizes 2008


Thursday, 6 December 2007


Interesting reading: The Klein Bottle in Nature


Tuesday, 20 November 2007


Very interesting reading: Higherdimensional Correspondence


Tuesday, 20 November 2007


Publishing an interesting letter 2


Tuesday, 13 November 2007


Publishing an interesting letter 1


Friday, 9 November 2007


ANNOUNCEMENT: Santilli - Galilei Prizes 2008


Friday, 2 November 2007


New General Secretary Dr. Kiril Chukanov


Wednesday, 24 October 2007


New Chairman Prof. Jeremy Dunning-Davies


Wednesday, 19 September 2007


Celebrating Prof. Jeremy Dunning-Davies


Monday, 17 September 2007


Scientists broken speed of light


Sunday, 16 September 2007



A Gold Medal


Thursday, 6 September 2007



Denunciation of the APS and the Panofsky Prize




Il Grande Grido
